
Innovation for entrepreneurs and business people

We participate in an initiative on innovation for entrepreneurs and business people

We like #fentlindi. In Catalan it means "to make the Indian", which is already a bit in our line, and there is no better work environment than the one that allows you to be relaxed, be creative and, why not, joke when it's convenient.

This is key to innovate; they know it well in the city council of Viladecans, our city. That's why they convened a large group of businessmen and entrepreneurs from the industrial sector to discuss and reflect on innovation in various fields. We were invited to be in charge of the catering for one reason: we strive to do things differently, to go one step further, in short: we strive to innovate.

We made them work a little and they became pastry chefs for a while to then enjoy a good breakfast to get some energy, because you know that on an empty stomach you can't think.

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